Contact Builder


  • How to Register?
    On homepage , Click on 'Customer' or 'Builder' to login and then you can select 'sign up' and fill the details to register yourself.
  • How to contact Apna Ghar Khoj team?
    You can contact the customer support team on - Timings: 10 am to 7 pm Toll free: 1800-123-8841 Phone: +91 9071983334 Whatsapp: +91 9004694337 Email:
  • How do I know that a call from AGK is genuine?
    We will never ask for your confidential credentials like OTP, Bank account card details, PIN etc. We request you - Do not share bank account/credit card numbers, expiry date, PIN, OTP etc. with anyone. Do not respond to texts or emails which ask you to click on any link(s). Kindly inform us via customer support. You can contact the customer support team on - Timings: 10 am to 7 pm Toll free: 1800-123-8841 Phone: +91 9071983334 Whatsapp: +91 9004694337 Email:


  • How to post the property details?
    On homepage . Click on 'Builder' to login and enter your credentials. Click on 'Post a Property'.
  • How can I post more than one property?
    You can post multiple properties by clicking on 'Post a Property' tab. You can see your posted property details under 'Pending Approvals' or 'Projects' tab.
  • How to change account details?
    After login, click on 'Dashboard' tab. Go in 'Profile' to edit account details.
  • How to see views for my property?
    After login, click on 'Dashboard' tab. Go in 'Profile' to see customer views for your property/properties.
  • What are the documents required to post a property?
    Posting a property will take only 2 minutes if you keep soft copy of following documents:
    a. Unit Plan (if any)
    b. Photos of your property (Minimum 8)
    c. Floor Plan (if any)
    d. Project Plan (if any)
  • Is it necessary to fill out other details of my property?
    No. It is not necessary. However, we would encourage you to fill the other details to increase your project score. It will attract more customers.


  • How can I save the property I liked?
    You can 'bookmark' the property.
  • What is Project rating?
    This is the rating acquired from the number of views of that property.
  • What is ESG rating?
    This is the rating acquired by the property from environmental, social and governance compliances.
  • What kind of properties do Apna Ghar Khoj deal?
    We deal in under construction as well as ready to move in residential apartments and flats which includes Studio flat, 1 RK, 1 BHK, 2 BHK and 3 BHK.
  • My registration details are not getting saved, what should I do?
    You can refill the details and try to register again. If the issue is still not resolved, please contact the customer support team on following -
    Timings: 10 am to 7 pm
    Toll free: 1800-123-8841
    Phone: +91 9071983334
    Whatsapp: +91 9004694337
  • Is property rating or Project rating an important criterion for me to consider?
    This is the rating acquired from the number of views of that property. It will help the buyer to understand the popularity status of that property.